The Person Behind the Chatter


Hi yall (that is mountain talk for hello, welcome, glad you are here, come stay a while….kind of all encompassing)!

I am so glad that you stopped by my little, tiny sliver of the internet.  You can read my bio, but I wanted to write a quick note to tell you more about the site and what I wish to accomplish.  I also want to thank you for your time.  I hope you can walk away with helpful ideas, resources, or at least a bright spot in your day. 

My dream:

I started this page and the other associated platforms to share ideas for parents, grandparents, caregivers, teachers, professionals in other related fields, and anyone else ready to support our students.  I wanted to offer the experiences and failures I have encountered in hopes that it would resonate with you!  I love learning from others and the collaboration that blogs and websites can offer.  I do not take lightly the opportunities I have been given to train in an approach that focuses on supporting those with language based learning differences.  I want to share that knowledge and how I use that training to as many people as possible in the most practical way possible.  If I can offer a strategy that helps you solve an ongoing problem - my day is made! 

My style:

I tend to write in a stream of consciousness.  I see big ideas and my brain is often like a browser with fifteen tabs open at once.  I use parentheses A LOT because it is my way of adding that little piece of unofficially diagnosed attentional challenges I have in order to share that little tidbit I want to make sure is clear. I love to laugh and try to make other people laugh….or at least crack a smile.  I have been described as someone who offers practical ideas and I am ok with that.  Teaching can be expensive and complicated at times, BUT it does not have to be.  I hope a few of the things I can share can help lessen those challenges. Although my very supportive but sometimes sarcastic husband says, “the Target dollar bin is not a dollar bin if you spend fifty dollars.” #rude #kidding #itsfunnybecauseitistrue

I am not as tech savvy as I should be, but here I am doing my best.  I am a traditionalist in the sense that I love the pages of a real book in the hands of my student, using pencil, paper, and highlighters, and just good old fashion cut and paste (with real glue - not the virtual kind).  You will see a lot of my instruction has traditional elements.  It isn’t because I do not think that online tools are not important or incredible (sometimes), but rather because I want the student to hold the learning in their hands first!  I like things to be very organized yet I am a rockstar at working under the pressure of the last minute.  It makes for  an interesting dichotomy! I tend to be verbose, but I hope it will play to our advantage on this page.  I can give theory and research, but I feel like much of that is already out there.  I will certainly share that on this page, but feel I am better at giving ideas for day to day and immediate application. 

My hope:  

My hope is that you will find something that is beneficial to you, even if it is just a “hey i can relate to that!”  I hope that you will come back and visit every now and then.  I will do my best to keep it lighthearted and fun!  I would like to provide information on multisensory teaching, structured literature, and the Orton Gillinghan approach so that hopefully someday soon everyone will have the gift of literacy.  I believe that literacy is a basic human right and everyone deserves the chance to be taught how to read.  Many of my products, resources, and events will focus on working within a network of people (families, teachers, and professionals) who have this same goal.  I would like to share ideas that are applicable to various teaching settings.  I have taught in public, private, and homeschool settings.  I know and value the importance of each.  

Thanks again for stopping by! 

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